Terms & Conditions

This page establishes the terms and conditions for visiting and using The Oska Pro Network S.R.L. website. RO38585956, J40/20305/2017 The terms include any person or entity who visits or accesses the Oska.ro/oskapronetwork.com website or uses the services advertised on the website.

General terms

We mention that the terms and conditions can change at any time, by updating the page. The content of any kind on the site does not include a total guarantee or obligation on the part of the administrator. However, the administrator will supervise and update the information and content of the site and eliminate, as quickly as possible, any errors.

The user’s acceptance and confirmation that the terms will be fully and unconditionally respected, together with any provision thereof, is made once he continues to use the site. If the terms are not accepted, the user is asked to stop accessing the site or the services corresponding to those terms.

Rights to the site and its content

The content of the site belongs to the site administrator and its partners and is subject to copyright, intellectual property and related rights. The service advertised on the site is the property of the administrator. The exception to this provision is the materials on the site where an owner or rights holder or another source of information is indicated. This also includes the comments or opinions expressed by website users, even if they are taken over by the administrator to be republished on the website. If the user does not comply with the provisions of the terms and conditions, they may be held liable in relation to the content of the site.

The retrieval of material or information from another producer, service provider or content generator that appears on the site, in any form, complies with the legal provisions.

Downloading of content of any kind from the site will be done exclusively for purely non-commercial purposes, without the direct or indirect intention of obtaining earnings of any kind from the content or the site. Content retrieval is done with the written, firm and prior consent of the administrator. If the agreement is not requested or the total or partial takeover of the content is not for personal purposes, the sanctions of the legislation in force are applied.

Through the acceptance mentioned above, users confirm that the information and materials of any kind that appear on the site have an informative and indicative role.

Responsibilities of the user

The user is forbidden to copy or reproduce, publish, transmit even for sale, distribute in whole or in part the content of this site, regardless of its form.

Also, the user has the obligation not to prejudice the copyrights of the site or of third parties, when taking over or communicating with the site administrator or his team.

The materials sent to the site also fall into the same category. The administrator has the right not to publish an information, an opinion or a comment of the user, if it is any kind of licensed expression or that may cause discomfort to other users. These materials, opinions or information are strictly prohibited, and the responsibility for their content rests with the users.

At the same time, the user understands and accepts that the site or part of its content may be related to other sites where it may be redirected. The content of these sites may be of products, service providers, case study examples or other informative sites.

In addition, the communication with the site administrator or its partners, through the site, is informal and has a purely informative role, and not medical.

Protection of the user’s personal data

The site protects the user’s personal data according to:

Law no. 677/2001 amended and supplemented, for the protection of individuals regarding the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data;
Law no. 506/2004, for the processing of personal data and the protection of private life in the area of electronic communications.

Thus, the administrator ensures that the personal data given by the users are kept safely and only for the purpose mentioned on the respective page. Once he completes his data, the user declares that he agrees to have them included in the database of the site administrator. They can also be used for marketing, information purposes, following commercial or non-commercial initiatives. The user can then receive messages related to promotions, contests or other types of notifications.

Responsibilities of the site administrator

The administrator is not responsible for any kind of damage, if the content of the site or the site itself is used by a third party. At the same time, the administrator cannot be held responsible if the data sent cannot be used

is or are erroneous. If a third-party site appears in the content of the site, the risk of browsing it belongs to the user, and not to the administrator.

The functionality of the website or the services it supports may be interrupted, stopped or hindered, due to objective conditions. Without being responsible for them, the administrator undertakes to facilitate the repairs of technical errors in a timely manner, if it turns out that they do not belong to him intentionally. Direct or indirect damages caused by the content of the site are not the responsibility of the administrator.

The advertising messages or those included in the services are not the responsibility of the administrator, but of their authors. In addition, all services present on the site are subject to availability.

Cases of force majeure

The administrator and its partners are not responsible for cases of force majeure, which can be:

Operating errors of the technical equipment owned by the administrator;
Absent or non-functional telephone or internet connections;
Viruses or other computer errors;
Unauthorized access to the site’s platforms or systems;
Other situations of force majeure with social impact.

If any kind of action by the user, mentioned in these terms and conditions, damages the site, he is obliged to fully indemnify the site administrator for the legal or other consequences.

Law and litigation

All the provisions of these terms and conditions and their legal effects are subject to the legislation in force in Romania and will be treated as such.

Any disputes arising as a result of the terms and conditions will be resolved amicably. If this fails, it will go to the competent court, located on the territory of the municipality of Bucharest.

Changes in terms and conditions

Any of these provisions may be modified at any time without notice or notification. This is considered accepted, the next time the user accesses the site.

If the user does not accept the change, he is obliged not to access the site or the service concerned by it.